Visual Exams

Visual Exams

ASC Engineered Solutions' certified technicians are trained and qualified to perform visual inspections to determine the general mechanical and structural condition of snubber components, engineered pipe supports, and severe service valves.

Snubber Inspections

We inspect snubber components and their supports by verifying criteria such as clearances, settings, and physical displacements. All members of our team are Level II, VT-3 certified inspectors.

These examinations also include the detection of discontinuities and imperfections such as loss of integrity at bolted or welded connections, loose or missing parts, debris, corrosion wear, or erosion and conditions that could affect the operability or functional adequacy of the snubber.

Engineered Pipe Supports

We provide VT-3 qualified inspectors to perform pipe support inspections in accordance with ASME B&PV Section XI. We also provide QA/QC Services for on-site or off-site work.

To talk with our team about Visual Exams, contact us or call 207-985-7550.